If you could please try the attached patch, that should allow you to define that info more simply by: a) allowing you to simply enter a single empty array for the non-applicable 'functional_explicit' field info (e.g. Originally posted by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon:Hi Herberto, Now I am working with the newest version 20.b, and I see that this has been solved there!

Thank you very much for your help! Sorry for the late reply, at the time I found a twisted way to make it work and forgot I had posted this here. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions why I am receiving this error message, that would be super helpful.

SPM12 + AA元 ALI Anatomy ArtRepair BASCO DEM FieldMap LST MEEGtools TFCE cat12 conn marsbar pTFCE suit volumes wfupickatlas xjview The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in this error message) however, the error message received was :

I am new to using CONN and I am running a preprocessing using a batch script.